For this show we have unfortunately been given the topic of volunteering. No one seemed happy about this choice and will be an interesting challenge. I have decided to take on the role of vision mixer and tricaster. It is a huge role and one mistake could cost us the whole show, so this is a lot of pressure but I am looking forward to. Now with two shows out of the way with I feel I have the confidence and experience to handle a role like this.
To nail this job I've had practice sessions to make sure I know what I'm doing. Prior to this show I have had exactly no experience vision mixing and tricasting. I have now been taught the basics of how to operate the equipment and how to make straps. As a group we are still in the progress of getting presenters and interviewees so straps are something I will have to do nearer the time. I am still struggling with the process of going from one VT to the next as the buttons are still confusing to me but now that I have at least learnt them, I can practice until the live show. As I am not needed for VT filming, or anything till the live show really, it means I have more time to practice using the vision mixer.
As I'm getting better using the vision mixer, I can now put the VTs in order so I know whats coming up next and the organisation on screen is clearer for me to understand. I have now learnt that I will be in charge of changing camera angles in the studio portion of the show. A background has been made for the studio part as well and Louise (one of our lecturers) has taught me how to put together the camera shot using the green screen and the vision mixer. It all seems a bit overwhelming and I am constantly forgetting things. Its a lot to take in and the show is only getting closer. I have also now learnt I am in charge of the credits scrolling and the music at the end. I am writing everything down so I remember and there is a lot to remember. This probably doesn't make sense to anyone seeing this but this is how I remember what button does what and what shot is connected to whats happening.

Now the live show has gone passed. This is my review of how it all went. We had a couple of run throughs before our live show and in these couple of times we went through the show over and over is when I learnt the most about vision mixing. I learn way more in these few rehearsals than the amount of practices I had. I don't know whether that was the adrenaline kicking in or just out of chance but because of that spike of me knowing what to do really helped during the live show.
Everything seemed to go smoothly. I couldn't really find a fault in my job that I did once watching the show back and all the hard work seemed to pay off. One last minute adjustment to the running order was that we were scraping the "coming up" section which was a short montage of the VTs coming up on the show and instead Jonny(Presenter) just briefly says whats coming up.
One fault I have realised when watching the show back is I seem to have forgotten to put a strap on when the Express.FM section comes up. This is curious as I don't remember forgetting it during the live show and is weird I only notice it now. For my first time vision mixing I think I did a great job and next time I do this I know I will nail it even more for sure. This (on the right) is where the strap would have went if it was there, and below are the rest of the straps I nailed.

I do think our topic given was a huge challenge but we still managed to get across what we were aiming for. The show is more informative than funny or entertaining and this sort of approach can be seen as boring, but in the end we all struggled to think of any way to spice up volunteering.