Smash 3.0.0 Update (Did I see it coming?)
So I've been playing a lot of the new update to Smash Ultimate. To normal gamers standards, there isn't much here. The usual nerfes and...

EGX Rezzed, Even more Rezzedednessacationified than ever!
EGX Rezzed is the Mario 64 castle of different game worlds to jump into. I walked into the show and just let the wind take me and found...

An Idiots Guide to MCM London Comic-Con
So if you’re reading this you probably haven't been to a Comic-con yet, and have a few questions. I recommend going to a Comic-con at...

London MCM Comiccon 2018
Comiccon, every time it comes around is the break everyone needs. Its the time for people to book off, from their nine to five jobs and...
How To Survive The Release Of A Game You Want But Cant Get. :'(
So in this case study, I shall be using Destiny 2 as an example, seeing as that just came out at the time of me crying- I mean writing...

Buying all my favourite games on the Switch... Again. Ow no she Nintendon't!
Its a very expensive time for Nintendo fans. With the Switch being, on average, £330 - £380 and controllers being a whopping £45 - £80!...