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EGX Rezzed, Even more Rezzedednessacationified than ever!

EGX Rezzed is the Mario 64 castle of different game worlds to jump into. I walked into the show and just let the wind take me and found myself stumbling onto empty chairs begging me to play a whole new game I've never heard of before, and that's the magic of EGX Rezzed right there. Have you ever been scrolling through the demo list on your Switch, PC, Xbox, PS4 or other? Well its like a physical representation of that, but with the knowledge you will have time to save up your pennies for when these games come out. (For most of them) These are some of my stand out games I played at EGX Rezzed.

I was automatically drawn to this first game just by the modernly coloured pink, old school CRT TV which was displayed. Wow I wanted this TV. I came for the TV but stayed for the game. This game is called Orange Island and like many of the games at EGX Rezzed, it was an old school 8-bit

platformer. However where this one differs is in its aesthetic, There has been a rise of "Unicorn" themed products recently and non-ashamedly I am

a sucker for them! Pastel colours and a bright atmosphere really gave this game a "Steven Universe" sort of feel and along with the diverse characters, deep story line, and amazing SNES styled 8-bit chiptune music, this is a game that really takes me to a happy place and is available to back on Kickstarter, so do it!

Sometimes an art style can really be a selling point for a game or just a gimmick used to stand out and try and be different. I had mixed feelings about this game but after playing it, I lean towards liking it. Knights and bikes boasts its hand drawn artstyle and from the second I saw it I was expecting a nice visual and nothing else. After sitting down and playing the game I soon realised why the art made so much sense. So in this game you play as two kids (in co-op) running around and splashing puddles, throwing frisbees and riding bikes to attack enemies. The game is meant to mimic the feeling of being a kid and using your imagination to be on an adventure with your best friend and just generally goofing around, and that's why the childlike hand drawn animation works so well here. This game seems to be more aimed at kids and that's not a problem as it seems there is a dark undertone to the story about being evicted and struggling to make ends meet, a story rarely told or even spoken about in kids media and can be a very real thing for kids and adults alike. Also the kids in this game make a funny screaming noise when you press one of the buttons that will be either the funniest thing to some people or the sole reason not to play this game with that one annoying friend...This game will be coming to PC, MAC and PS4 in 2019.

As I have said before EGX Rezzed is full of homage's to old school 8-bit platformers and for me,

that's not a bad thing. It just means each one has to be even better than the rest to stand out. Aggelos is available on Steam and heading to consoles on the 24th of April (this month). One thing 8-bit games these days have on their side is looking good. Everyone remembers what charmeleon looked like from the back in Pokemon Red and a game like Aggelos just looks so damn pleasing to the eye whilst retaining that feel good classic style. This is a game I have recently owned but with the console version's coming out soon, its just worth another mention, especially as it will work so well on the go, on the Switch. Where as Orange Island is more about the aesthetic and trying to be something new, Aggelos is truly sticking to the old school roots with it being set in a medieval mythical land and with the exploration being so deep and so fun. Its a huge maze of a game that will test even the best players that feels and looks so good.

Finally my stand out game of the show has to be Phogs. This stands for physics dogs, duh! This is a 3D platformer that can be played in co-op where you play as one big sausage with 2 dog faces either end (In co-op each player takes control of one end). You traverse this bed time themed world filled with pillows, soft quilted floors and stars shining in the night sky to really... Sorry I fell asleep while writing, This game is mainly puzzle themed and sharing the experience with a friend can really make for a collaborative bonding experience for you and a friend. Games can sometimes be the best nighttime entertainment before you go to sleep and that's why I see this game working really well for couples. That being said maybe choose your player 2 wisely, as communication is key when your playing as a single entity. Coming 2019

I had a great time at EGX Rezzed and these are just 4 of my favourates of the show as there's really too many to mention. I cant wait to play all these games then go to the next EGX where I can let fate decide what games I play next.

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