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Buying all my favourite games on the Switch... Again. Ow no she Nintendon't!

Its a very expensive time for Nintendo fans. With the Switch being, on average, £330 - £380 and controllers being a whopping £45 - £80! And lets not get started on games! Unlike other forms of media, there isn't a Spotify or Netflix to rent games from. There used to be Blockbuster... R.I.P and with Xbox's new streaming service, "Game Pass", for £7.99 a month you can play the latest and greatest games like... Halo 5... Dead Island... and Farming Simulator 15. Its not a terrible idea, and there are some games I would be interested to play and also games maybe some people haven't had the chance to play yet like, ReCore and Saints Row 4. All in all it is a good idea but maybe needs to get the ball rolling a bit more to have serious contenders on there for it to be worth it. Not that £8 a month isn't worth the 100+ games it boasts, but I wouldn't play most of what was on there... YET!

So buying a game these days is a huge commitment. You're paying £50-ish these days for a new game, so you need to research, maybe play a demo somewhere, look at reviews, find out which one of your friends are getting it so you can make the most of the multiplayer. There is so much commitment to buying a game these days, especially when money can be tight sometimes, and as a fan of Nintendo, I was let down so much to find out that the first couple of games coming to the switch are ports.

As a dedicated Nintendo fan, without question you know I will be buying whatever motion controlled trash they decide to put out. So yeah I got a WiiU. And what! All jokes aside I did quite enjoy the WiiU. People didn't like the library of games the system had to offer but in between Mario Kart 8, Smash, Pokken Tournament, Mario 3D World etc and playing silly party games like WiiU party and Nintendo Land with friends, I had a blast with my WiiU. I don't understand how people can say it had a poor library when as soon as they're getting ports, they're suddenly good games. I do agree the faults in the WiiU landed in marketing though. The Wii...U! seriously! Even the Wii2 would have been a better name.

I do agree that ports are a good idea for the Switch. introducing these great games to people who didn't have a WiiU before (Basically everyone), is a great idea and I'm glad more people are finally playing these great games. However, as a fan I will have to fork out another 50 quid, to play near enough the same games again. I'm basically paying full price for a portable Mario Kart 8 with a good battle mode (which should have been in the original) and some extra characters when I payed full price for the first one which was about £40 at the time plus £11 for the DLC I bought too. The same goes for Pokken Tournament DX. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad I got a Switch and Im loving Zelda, but to be honest Breath of the Wild did come to the WiiU at the same time. So for the first couple of months of the Switch's life, there was no reason to actually get one for Nintendo fans. The main market the company should be catering for. Here is an accurate representation of Nintendo getting my money.

In an ideal world people who had a Switch, a WiiU and Mario Kart 8 registered to the same nintendo account before the release of Mario Kart 8 Deluxe would get a copy of the new game or at least money off. Same goes for Pokken Tournament. A similar thing has happened in the past with the price drop of the Nintendo 3DS.

On August the 11th back in the good ole days of 2011, the 3DS which had been released 5 months earlier, received a price drop. A rarity for any Nintendo product this early on. It went from £230 on average to £150 on average. This price drop was a huge kick in the balls for fans who got it on release or close. Nintendo acknowledged this and as an apology introduced the Nintendo 3DS Ambassador Program. This allowed owners of the 3DS who registered before the price drop to get 10 NES games and 10 Gameboy Advance games onto their 3DS system. The gameboy advance games were also not available for the general public to even purchase! How great is that?! They may be old games but to have 20 free games on your console to take anywhere with you is such a great apology, and its good Nintendo even acknowledged the fans upset at that time. The games that were given out are as shown:

Game Boy Games

  • Super Mario Bros.

  • Metroid

  • The Legend of Zelda

  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

  • Balloon Fight

  • Ice Climber

  • NES Open Tournament Golf

  • Donkey Kong Jr.

  • Yoshi

  • Wrecking Crew

Game Boy Advance Games

  • Metroid Fusion

  • Mario vs. Donkey Kong

  • Mario Kart: Super Circuit

  • Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3

  • WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!

  • The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

  • Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

  • Wario Land 4

  • F-Zero: Maximum Velocity

  • Kirby & the Amazing Mirror

I do realise this situation is somewhat different but the fact that Nintendo has acknowledged how they did their fans wrong at that time, makes me have hope that somewhere deep down they do care about the fans and hopefully in the months to come have a similar sort of apology for the WiiUs failure, and fans not getting much new content. Mario Rabbids is currently out and I am currently mostly looking forward to Mario Odyssey, (I really don't like the way Odyssey is spelled. Its disgusting.) I hope I don't sound like I hate Nintendo because they are something I hold so dear to my heart and I only get so rilled up as I am so passionate about it and that the audience should be treated with the upmost courtesy, especially the hardcore fans. Nintendo! Why do you hate us!!

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