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How To Survive The Release Of A Game You Want But Cant Get. :'(

So in this case study, I shall be using Destiny 2 as an example, seeing as that just came out at the time of me crying- I mean writing this. If it wasn't clear already. I. WANT. THIS. GAME! I never got to play Destiny 1 and that is when the hype started for me. Now that Destiny 2 is out and I hear you don't have to of played the first one, there is even more reason for me to get this one. There is no game out there like this so it is hard to even find a cheaper alternative, and the online is also a big incentive too so if you're anything like me, nothing less will do! A lot of my friends that already have this game, have it on PS4. So not only do I have to fork out 60 quid on this game but I do plan on getting a PS4 first.

There is no end to my first world list of problems as I also work in GAME, and have to sell the game to customers. Not only do I not have the game but I am the one helping others acquire it. A tear comes out every time someone in the store buys a copy of the game. To help keep ourselves knowledgable on the games and to sell all the games we get, the staff have to go through a powerpoint presentation sort of thing online to teach us about the games. Of course naturally there is a Destiny 2 module... Where I have to learn all I can about the game I so desperately want and do a test on it after just to see how much about Destiny 2 I know. I want the game even more now and as if that wasn't bad enough, the other day it was my job to count how many copies of Destiny 2 had not been sold yet. How many copies I could have owned. How many copies that aren't mine! I'll refrain to say how many they were for legal reasons but I think you get the idea.

How To Survive

So since my life has ended due to me being in this predicament, I have made a little survival guide to pass on what I have learnt from this traumatic situation. I feel it is my duty to pass on this knowledge and even if this helps one other person out there, I know I have done my job right *sob*

1. Watch Gameplay

If you don't want to spoil too much for yourself the first 10 minutes of a game isn't that harmful to your overall experience when you get the game. For a game like Destiny 2 it may even be helpful for you to know the raids before you dive straight in and any online multiplayer gameplay of any game is always interesting to watch without too many spoilers. You could even go one step further and sit in front of said screen with a controller in your hands as if you're playing in real time while you cry and eat your tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. #SponserMe

2. Watch Reviews

Just to see how great the game is while you don't have it. Watch a review so you know that everyone else is probably enjoying it while you don't. Or if reviews say its shit then you just have to suffer in silence until you get the game and judge it for yourself which can be even worse of a time. To have people shitting on the game you could possibly be investing round about £50 on for a new game can be discouraging but at least you're seeing gameplay... I guess.

3. Play an older version/ Demo

Playing an older version may not be the same but it is something and can make it all the while better when you get the new one! I recently downloaded the Destiny 1 demo and had a great time... for about an hour or two. Then after I realized how much more I wanted it. Not all the time, but a lot of the time there will be a demo or a beta for new releases and sometimes people can be happy playing them over and over and over etc. A lot of the time all the loot, items and achievements move on to the full game when you get it, so you can sit there staring at the game thinking "So this is what I could have had in the real game". I mean its something to keep your mind off the crippling pain of wanting the full game.

4. Find someone who has it

Sometimes people who have the game are you're new best friend. In my case I was lucky because my cousins have it, and blood is thicker than water! I tell myself as I go to theirs. Finally I get to play the game I've been waiting for! Leaving there then becomes a problem, and the thought of going home to an Xbone growing cobwebs and collecting dust is a terrible thought. Also for a game like Destiny 2, the adventure is what you make it and such can be said about most games. You will never get the full experience until you own it. Sad times :'(

5. Enter Competitions

Now that you are desperate and you need you're fix of whatever game it is that you want, its time for the final resort! As this game is new and still in video games news, hopefully there are competitions for this game. Luckily I have a friend that has won shit loads of stuff including a trip to the Rio Olympics and Hong Kong, who can give you tips on entering competitions In my case for Destiny 2 there are endless gaming companies, magazines and websites giving away Destiny 2, so wish me luck on my quest to get Destiny 2.

Umm shit, I'm out of answers... Good luck the few people out there who don't own Destiny 2 yet and hopefully this helps when the next game I cant get comes out. I need to budget myself better. Thanks for reading, now excuse me while I go back to work where I continue to put Destiny 2 from my hands into customers hands, so close but yet so far...

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