For our final show we had to brainstorm ideas as we have been given the task to think of our own topic. I suggested a show explaining the possibility of moving to mars. As we have creative freedom with this, I thought a space themed show would be good as we can make it fun and include aliens and keep it light hearted and fun, but also I decided on keeping an educational aspect to the show. This would stop the show becoming too comedic and stop it snowballing into something too crazy.
So my idea was questioned a lot and people had mixed feelings over it. So as usual time went by during this meeting and people came up with my idea again but acted as if it was their own creation. The level that I get ignored now is stupid and this has lead them to steal my idea and act as if they came up with it. However they did adapt and change the idea. Now the show has a storyline. The earth has faced an apocalypse and the show is taking place on a space ship that is on its way to a new planet to sustain life with the focus being about the environment and how to save it. I admire this choice of a storyline and it isn't too bad either. This helps give the show personality.
Its a shame I wont get credited for the creation of this idea as I am on autocue and sound this time around. We had chosen roles before we came up with the idea of the show which I think was a mistake as if I knew that our show would follow my idea I would have taken up a bigger role so I could help portray the vision I had for a space themed show. I chose autocue and sound as I have never tried autocue before and this job is only needed during the live shows so I decided I would help out during VT filming with sound seeing as I'm good at it.
For everything that wasn't live I did the sound (pictures on the right) and I also got some practice for autocue too. Sound is something now I can just go in and do without complication. It easy for me set up and I am used to it now, so there isn't much to say on the process. I am really bad at autocue. It should be simple but for some reason I struggle with keeping up with people without reading it myself and just going with my instincts which is bad. An executive decision has been made to get me off autocue and instead I am now floor manager for the extra studio that Greg presents his section from during the live show. Here is a picture of me looking clueless at the autocue.

Weirdly enough I have been tasked with making a prop for our show. It isn't a job I should have to do but I accepted it. I was tasked to make a newspaper with in depth articles to use as a prop. I dont understand why they need to be actual real articles that can be read as it is only a prop but apparently it needs to be detailed as it will be pointed at. Even so I'm sure it wont be for long but I will do as the director wants. It wasn't very clear at all what the group wanted and I did ask for more detail but I just got criticised for not understanding the task. In the end this is what I came up with even with the limited brief of what was wanted.

Now that the Live show has happened, this is how it went and what I thought of it.
My newspaper which I was told to make was not used... at all...
I noticed in the VT about the leftover humans on earth had some background noise. This is due to the film set being in the Eldon hub. This means people are constantly around, and I should have noticed while recording live but somehow I missed it. Apart from that, VTs were recorded quite well with no other problems.
Floor managing went straight forward, Greg could see the little TV we had in the studio so he knew pretty much when his segment would go live but my counting down helped even more, I'm sure of it.
There are segments of the show that when looking back seem quite poor. I wish I had taken a bigger role in this show so I could have portrayed my idea more. When creating a lore and mythology its important that even though this is all far fetched, that it still makes sense or could have made sense. The presenters were told to talk like robots in order to have a futuristic vibe, but it just sounded slow and dragged on. In the adverts that were played throughout the show, sometimes the object that was being sold was floating for some reason and looked a bit silly to me.

Also the idea of dust going into hair doesn't sound very appealing...

The live segment where Greg lists the options of planets to live on is split into two segments but then that means voters can just assume the list consists of only the first part of planets. "Stars in your Bars" is a chocolate bar which allows you to not need exercise. Im really just nit picking at this point as the show went very well, these are just some points I would have changed if I had a bigger role. Here is the show so you can judge for yourself.